Anna Kavanagh will examine the unbroken chain of state abuse of birth-mothers and their children. She speaks to a survivor of the mother and homes, as well as a mother who recently had her baby taken from her by TUSLA. She will also be joined by a spokesperson for ABC (Alliance of Birth Mothers Campaigning for Justice). Hot Topic hosted by Dr. Peter Dunne.

  • 3:17Mary was a professional woman in the east of the country when she discovered she was pregnant after she broke up with her long term partner. She describes how her baby daughter was taken by TUSLA
  • 19:21Barbara Scanlon Spokesperson Alliance Birthmothers Campaigning for Justice describes how single mothers have their newborn infants taken by TUSLA
  • 32:57Dr Peter Dunne asks if the sealing of the mother and baby home files will deny survivors the chance to heal
  • 43:43David Kinsilla, a survivor of a mother and baby home describes his lifelong struggle to get justice

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